Un Duelo en Paz

Imparted by María Gordoa Gil

This workshop was born to support you and provide tools to live a healthy grieving process. 

No one is exempt from experiencing the loss of a loved one at some point. It is important that we know that with love, it can be softer. We can live it with comfort and acceptance to make this process in harmony where the answer to death is in the life that lies ahead. 

To offer support, María created the First Aid Kit for the Soul. 

When a loved one disincarnates and transcends, he/she also leaves the invitation to transcend. That is the difference between grieving which you are going to experience anyway, but leading it to evolve in resilience by awakening your consciousness.

I recognize your bravery. And it is from here that I join you to offer support.

First Aid Kit for the Soul includes



2- Denial

3- Anger

4- Negotiation

5- Depression

6- Acceptance

7- Transcendence



1.- Blessing and Preparation

2.- Releasing- This meditation supports in releasing guilt, anger, shock, trauma and bargaining. 

3.- Bargaining- Self Knowledge and commitment

4.- Acceptance and transformation- To know the experience as it was, to take back the relationship with your loved one to nurture it and give thanks. 

How to use it

I recommend that you give yourself time to listen to all your audios in a row (45 min.) In this way you will be able to identify their content. In them you will find the explanation of how these types of emotions and thoughts operate in grief. Once you know its content, I recommend that you pay attention to yourself, identifying each day what state of mind you are in. This way, you will be able to select the information knowing what you need in particular for that moment.

In a grieving process, these different states and emotions present in a mixed way, interacting with each other. Even two could be presented on the same day or at the same time. That is why being self-observing is essential and at the same time accepting everything that is happening to you.


Listen to the themes whenever you need it, regardless of whether you repeat them or not. Remember that it is a medicine for your soul and that you choose the dose of this medicine depending on what you are needing. No order or usage is incorrect.  


For the use of the meditations, depending on what you are needing, choose the one that matches your state since it contains the tools and the guide so that you take yourself to nurture and transform yourself. Converting your experiences into growth.


To listen to the audios and perform your meditations, choose a quiet place where you will not be interrupted, away from your phone, get comfortable, preferably sitting with your feet firm on the floor. The torso is straight, your arms placed on your thighs and your head aligned to your torso. Make it a comfortable posture that at the same time it allows your energy to flow. 

Use headphones to avoid distractions.

Have a pen and paper or notebook close to you as there will be times when you will be asked to do written exercises.

Drink water before and after doing it.

When you start to do your meditation stretch your whole body, arms, legs, neck, head, torso, hands, and feet before placing yourself in your seat and taking your posture.

At the end, stretch your whole body again, bringing movement so that you can recover your daily activity since it will lead you to relax.

I am sure that by making use of this medicine for the soul you will achieve a transformation. I want to clarify that making use of this medicine does not prevent mourning. Grief is natural when experiencing any loss. It is part of the natural instruments that we have perfectly installed to help us process these experiences. So, getting along with grief and making an alliance with your nature will allow you to do it at your own pace within your own needs. Grieving takes time, but there is no exact one where we all fit. Since this is a totally individual experience for each person, so I recommend you get out of the expectation of when you will stop living this grief process. Try to completely let go of this expectation so that your grief is exactly as it should be in time and form.

Any questions that arise, write to us at tania@florecer.com, we are here to support you and serve you with love.

If in any way you feel that you need to strengthen yourself with personalized support, the therapists at Casa Florecer are prepared to facilitate these processes. Do not hesitate to call us, we will love to assist you.

Receive a hug with much affection.

María Gordoa Gil

Co-Founder / Pioneer Principal


Maria’s life has been dedicated to making spirituality her guiding force. Her devotion to sharing her discoveries and knowledge with others, allows us to be reminded of our greatness of spirit and that we can all be United in the Joy of Living. 

Throughout more than 35 years of a journey dedicated to learning and facilitating, Maria has created her own methodologies including: Transpersonal Human Development, Flower Reiki and numerous healing and development workshops, which spark all that we find within, and assist us in developing our true spirits and joy in our daily lives.

(Click here to know more about her workshops) 

Maria also channels flower’s energetic properties along with and her son, Luis Díaz Gordoa; aka: VENA2, who translates it into art. This combined energetic collaboration has resulted in the creation of Florecer’s Healing Art, a corner stone of Casa Florecer.

Casa Florecer · Healing Art

Currently, Maria´s healing and energetic work has reached new heights, she is now on a path to bring unconditional love frequencies to heal the earth. This year she is travelling the world (33 locations) and opening energetic vortexes to download higher and more coherent frequencies. 

With her continued vigilance and dedication to attracting new energies and intelligence to share with the Casa Florecer community, Maria is the matriarch and keeper of the essence of Casa Florecer. 

This course was developed by María after the death of one of her sons more than 35 years ago. This is how she begins her spiritual path and the development of her consciousness. This experience has opened the door for her to become a therapist. She has studied a myriad of self knowledge-related topics such as theology, neuroscience, quantum physics, alternative medicine, transpersonality, human development, and modern psychology techniques.

She now dedicates her life with a fascinating genuine vocation to provide knowledge for those of us who feel lost, in search of answers, lacking motivation, with life problems, with existential or identity conflicts. She provides us with tools and a change of perspective so that we learn to grant ourselves well-being and remember our innate right to be happy. The answer is in each one of us.

– Rodrigo Díaz Gordoa, Son of Mary and CEO of Casa Florecer