Soul Dreaming

Imparted by: Tania Elias

Lucid dream workshop, multidimensional travel, and creation of new realities.

Workshop transmited through deep meditation

Session 1

– Meditation for sleep 20 min.

Session 2

Sleep hygiene, sleep yoga practice
– Yoga nidra

Session 3

Types of dreams, where to consult the symbology of dreams
– Power Animal Meditation

Session 4

Lucid dreaming

-Making anchors
-Return to body
-lucid dream meditation

Session 5

soul travel
– Our reality is multidimensional


 Session 7

Collective dream recall

Session 8

Soul travel
– Embodiment Meditation

We will deliver all recorded meditations to you.

You will also have a 25 min individual session with Tania. To be scheduled during the workshop. 





-You are more than your physical body

-Sleep hygiene

-Self-knowledge through dreams and their symbols

-Emotional release

-Multidimensional travel (beyond the astral)

-Reprogramming of physical body during sleep

-Practices for dreaming and remembering dreams

-What to do with your dreams?

-Discover your power animal and how it supports you.


– Dream Journal

– Soul retrieving 

– Yoga for sleep

– Dream Oracle Cards


-You are more than your physical body

-Sleep hygiene

-Self-knowledge through dreams and their symbols

-Emotional release

-Multidimensional travel (beyond the astral)

-Reprogramming of physical body during sleep

-Practices for dreaming and remembering dreams

-What to do with your dreams?

-Discover your power animal and how it supports you.


– Dream Journal

– Soul retrieving 

– Yoga for sleep

– Dream Oracle Cards

Tania Elías



A facilitator of meditation, integrative flower therapy and different techniques for expanding consciousness. Her passion and life mission is service. To accompany others to discover themselves and live from the limitless.

She works where balance and change come together to co-create realities where we all express our highest purpose.

Tania has several gifts, the gift of listening, the gift of kindness and generosity, the gift of sweetness and unconditional love, the gift of loyalty and simplicity. She has the kindness to spread a space of peace and joy wherever she goes.

She is a person with highly developed psychic abilities and extraordinary intuition, since she was a child she learned to detach herself from her body to explore other subtle planes, her ability to play the piano and to sing is thanks to her absolute pitch. She loves to travel in dreams and play in other dimensions. Hence, her beautiful ability to help people to heal energetically in an integrative way in all planes and bodies.

Some of her certifications and studies: Integrative Medicine, Emotion Code, Access Conciousness Bars, Thetahealing, MTC, Floral Therapy.

She is a facilitator of Meditation, Energy Medicine and Floral Therapy at Casa Florecer. Accompanying others to discover themselves to find the space of wisdom within themselves because from there, transformation occurs. One of her favorite phrases is: your body has wisdom, listen to it, discover it.

At Casa Florecer Tania is one of the most dedicated, creative and valuable people for the development of the center, she is co-creator.

She is in charge of making things happen and flow., She has developed Workshops that integrate energy medicine and intuition development (Energetics Level 1 and 2) as well as direct participation in consciousness projects such as Infiltration, Breathe and PAZYLUZ. Today she is writing her new workshop SoulDreaming, to create realities through dreams. She also has supported the development of the workshops created by Maria Gordoa (Casa Florecer main founder): Rebirth, Raíz, Un duelo en Paz and Amor Alma, among others like Amora.

Why did I create this workshop?


Dreams have been with me all my life. Believe it or not, since I was a baby, I liked to play in them, go visit people, move around. When my mom asked me anything, very often my answer was: Mom, in what life are you saying? In this one or the other?

I have the gift of being able to remember all my dreams, every day. Sometimes they stay with me for much longer. When I’m dreaming, very often maybe once per night, I can go where I choose and do what I want. For example: fly or change the outcome of my dream.

In the world of dreams, we have no limits. That’s where I really know myself. That is where my teachers are and where I have learned most of what I know. When they ask me about my teachers: Who has made me discover my gifts, create more? I don’t know how to explain because most of them are there in the realm of dreams. I have had several seasons of training. That through dreams or rather “interdimensional travel” I was trained to heal and create things with energy. 

I love my path. But I can tell you that it has had many challenges. There were some days when I woke up so tired. Because I had dreamed so much at night that I didn’t rest. Back then, I slept with my hand under the mattress so that perhaps for that day I would not to take off and rest.

One day a friend told me: Why don’t you tell your guides that you do want to continue learning but that your body requires rest? I did and from that day, there was an integration.

I like to share this, teach others to conquer the world of dreams because we really solve, free and conquer many things in it.

About a year ago I realized that it was time to open this part of me, because if there were no limits, I would tell you that dreaming is my greatest talent.

Why explore the world of dreams?

We are supposed to sleep because we are tired; but it is more accurate to understand that we get tired in order to sleep. Sleep is not only restorative for the physical body, but it provides an opportunity for the soul to experience a dimension of activity free from the body.

During sleep, we enter a brain wave state that allows us to enter the astral realm using our consciousness. This state is called Delta and is associated with the REM sleep state. In this state, our soul, our higher self, our guides, angels and ancestors can easily be in contact with us and let us know that they are accompanying us. This could happen especially if we are not yet ready to receive them when we are awake.

When we are in REM, our consciousness visits this school of dreams. Some of us are in a large class, while others have 1 to 1 classes. It is different for everyone. But we can all receive these rivers of information.

– What is next in your mission?

– Clues for the next stage of your life.

– Heal the past.

– When you need it, this information will come out of the depths of your wisdom as knowledge.

– It is important that you listen to your intuition to your inner knowing.

      Do you want to explore this school of dreams?



It is your birth right. I will guide you and share practices so that you can make it your own.

What you should know


The workshop will be given online by zoom. Every Monday from May 27th to  May 15th.  (8 sessions).

We will start at 20:30 hours and you need to receive it while in bed using headphones and with the light off.

If you live in Mexico, when you sign up we will send you a dream journal. Don’t worry if you don’t live here, you can use a notebook that you liked a lot, the point is what you are going to write.

Energetic Exchange

$6,777 Early bird price $5,555 pesos. Valid until February 17th. 

*Includes a session 1 to 1 of 25 min. to explore the dream of your choice.